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GRE Exam – Understanding GRE Benefits, Scoring, and Tips for Success

If you’re a student in India aspiring to study abroad, you’ve likely come across the term ‘GRE.’ The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is more than just a test—it’s your ticket to learning, development, and opportunities. In this article, let’s understand the GRE, its significance, and ways to crack it successfully.

What is GRE?

The GRE is a critical stepping stone in the journey to graduate school, assessing your abilities in analytical writing, quantitative reasoning, and verbal reasoning. It’s a universally recognized standardized test, serving as a standard scale on which applicants from varying educational backgrounds can be compared, thereby aiding universities in making informed admission decisions.

The GRE is a globally recognized standardized test crucial for the admissions process for graduate programs. It evaluates a candidate’s critical thinking, problem-solving, analytical writing, and verbal and quantitative reasoning abilities.

GRE examination is your opportunity to demonstrate your readiness and your potential for success in advanced academic pursuits to universities around the globe!

The New GRE Format September 23, 2023

The New GRE format omits 1 essay (Analysis of an Argument) and also does not have a research or unscored section. The overall time taken to attempt the test has also reduced significantly along with a reduction in the number of questions. 

Analytical Writing
1 Analysis of an Issue Task
30 minutes
Verbal Reasoning
Section 1: 12 Questions
Section 2: 15 Questions
Section 1: 18 Minutes
Section 2: 23 Minutes
Quantitative Reasoning
Section 1: 12 Questions
Section 2: 15 Questions
Section 1: 21 Minutes
Section 2: 26 Minutes

The Significance of the GRE

The GRE is an examination and a gateway to prestigious global universities. It’s an essential criterion, highly valued by universities across continents, to assess and evaluate the readiness and aptitude of individuals fervently seeking to join esteemed graduate programs.

Exam Dates and Slots

In India, the GRE is conducted throughout the year in 9 cities. However, availability might differ, with some centers offering limited dates and slots. You can opt for time slots like 9 am-1 pm, 1 pm-5 pm, or 5 pm-9 pm, but do remember to confirm the availability at your chosen center.

September, October, and April are prominent for GRE subject tests in India, primarily conducted in a paper-based format. And, if you fancy a more flexible approach, GRE at Home is available 24/7, allowing you to choose a date and time that suits you best. Remember, you can take the GRE General Test once every 21 days, up to five times within any continuous rolling 12-month period (365 days).

Why GRE for Studying Abroad?

Studying abroad is a transformative journey, and the GRE is pivotal in unlocking the doors to international education. Let’s explore why:

  1. Admission Requirement: Most universities, especially those in the United States, view your GRE score as a critical component of your application.
  2. Global Recognition: Your GRE score is a passport accepted by thousands of universities worldwide, expanding your horizons and giving you options to choose from.
  3. Competitive Edge: A GRE score can elevate your application, offering you an edge in renowned universities’ highly competitive admission process.
  4. Scholarship Opportunities: Achieving a high GRE score can also brighten your prospects for scholarships and financial aid, making the dream of studying abroad more financially feasible.
  5. Networking Opportunities: The international exposure you gain will enable you to interact with diverse individuals, helping you to build global networks and enriching your perspective.

GRE Score and Exam Format

The GRE evaluates candidates across three distinct sections:

  1. Verbal Reasoning:
  • Score Range: 130 to 170
  • This section assesses your ability to analyze and draw conclusions from discourse, understand multiple levels of meaning, and engage with passages on various levels.
  1. Quantitative Reasoning:
  • Score Range: 130 to 170
  • Here, your mathematical skills and the ability to interpret and analyze quantitative information are tested.
  1. Analytical Writing:
  • Score Range: 0 to 6, in half-point increments.
  • This section gauges your critical thinking and analytical writing skills, including your ability to articulate and support complex ideas clearly and effectively.

Significance of High Scores:

Attaining scores on the higher end of these ranges is crucial. A Good GRE score significantly improves your chances of acceptance into globally acclaimed graduate programs. The higher the score, the broader the possibilities, allowing you to be discerning and aspirational in your choice of universities and programs.

Crafting Your Success:

Knowing the scoring pattern is like having a roadmap. It empowers you to tailor your preparation strategy effectively, allocating time judiciously to each section, reinforcing your strengths, and working meticulously on improvement areas. It’s about creating a balanced approach, enhancing verbal articulation, honing mathematical reasoning, and sharpening analytical writing skills.

A higher score in these sections can significantly increase your chances of securing a seat in the graduate program of your choice.

Strategies for Success

  1. Understand the Test Structure: Familiarize yourself with each section’s format, timing, and question types to prepare effectively. Utilize official practice tests and study guides to understand the nuances of the exam.
  2. Create a Robust Study Plan: Tailor a study schedule aligning with your learning style and devote time to each section, emphasizing weaker areas. Consistency is the key to success.
  3. Master Time Management: Effective time management during the exam is pivotal. Practice under timed conditions and learn to allocate time judiciously between questions.
  4. Enhance Reading and Math Skills: Regular reading and a thorough review of core mathematical concepts are essential to excel in the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections, respectively.

Wrapping Up

Embarking on the journey to study abroad is a monumental step. The GRE is a gateway to prestigious global universities; a strong score is your key to unlocking infinite possibilities. Remember, meticulous preparation, consistent effort, and a well-crafted strategy are your allies in turning your international educational aspirations into reality.

So, gear up, future scholars! The world is waiting to see what you have to offer. Embrace the journey with determination and zeal, and let the learning adventure begin!

If you are planning to start your GRE test preparation or looking for GRE coaching, Get in touch with Study Unifees. We help students succeed in their GRE journey. At Study Unifees, we offer free test preparation counseling and coaching for the GRE. Our experienced tutors will guide you through every step, providing personalized support and resources to help you achieve your goals. Whether you are just beginning your GRE preparation or need assistance in specific areas, our comprehensive GRE coaching program is designed to meet your needs. Contact Study Unifees today and let us help you reach your full potential.


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