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CBIE 2-day National Dialogue moots a whole-of-the-government approach to formulate goals, targets and strategies for international education in Canada.

A comprehensive “whole-of-government” strategy at the federal and provincial levels is being advocated by key stakeholder groups to guide decisions about the sector’s goals, targets, and priorities. They are also calling for a multi-sectoral forum to establish a stable, “no surprises” planning and policy environment for international education.

This interaction comes after the limits on the numbers of international students entering Canada were introduced. This cap was criticized by many stakeholders for being implemented without consulting the sector. The proposed actions were among many important issues discussed during a two-day National Dialogue session organized by the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE).

Over 225 participants from Canada’s international education community attended the session, including senior officials from federal and provincial ministries, leaders from educational institutions, business associations, community service providers, researchers, student associations, national and regional educational associations, and a representative group of international students.

“In convening this event, CBIE was acutely aware of the urgency to provide an inclusive forum in which key international education stakeholders could share insights and work towards consensus on how the sector can and should evolve,” said Larissa Bezo, president and CEO, CBIE. “The frank, open and constructive discussion that took place was long overdue,” she told The PIE News.

“The key takeaway is that we as a sector need to establish an ongoing mechanism or focal point to sustain this type of multi-stakeholder dialogue in order to advance a more responsible and sustainable Canadian international education sector for the long-term. CBIE looks forward to sharing the key recommendations that emerged from the National Dialogue’s multi-stakeholder discussions with federal and provincial governments, event participants and key stakeholders in the coming weeks,” added Bezo.

“There is much work to be done and we all have a role to play in creating a supportive and welcoming environment for international students in ways which uphold the integrity of the EduCanada brand and secure Canada’s long-term position as an ethical leader and top destination for global talent.”

As part of the dialogue, Bezo had a fireside chat with immigration minister Marc Miller, where he outlined his vision for the International Student Program and confirmed that caps on international enrolments would remain.

Stakeholders also emphasized the need for a pan-Canadian framework for ethical international education practices applicable to designated learning institutions. They argue this framework should include clear accountability for delivering results and become an “integral part of the EduCanada brand.”

Canada’s labour shortages were a prominent topic throughout the event, and the sector is now advocating for “more systematic processes to link enrolment decisions to short and longer-term labour market and demographic needs at the community level,” according to a CBIE statement.

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