Top questions to ask from your Study Abroad Consultant.​

Now that you are here, we believe you have already decided to transform your life and take it to new heights. But you’re pretty clueless about where to start, right? Sitting before a consultant, all you can think and speak is ‘umm..’ ‘oh..’ and any other possible fillers. 

We understand! That’s why we are here to help you ask your study abroad consultant some basic questions. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore and understand some top questions you must ask your study abroad consultancy to maintain transparency. We’ll cover topics such as visa requirements, application procedures, and financial considerations.

study abroad consultant dehradun

Note: This is not an exhaustive list. Hence, feel free to ask anything you are curious about for a smooth visa filing process.

Top questions to ask during your first consultation

  1. How do I choose countries that are fit for me?

A study abroad counselor is well-versed in visa filing and country culture. They must check preferences and the range of choices that the candidate must have decided on. Consultants can also bring to your notice the cultural differences, financial factors, and future plans for any country that one might want to move to, making it easier for the candidate to choose the best option.

  1. What universities and programs are just right for me?

This is the most crucial question to ask!! Your study abroad agent can help you jot down your options and choose the best course according to your academic performance, line of interest, and course choice. 

Remember, Candidates must remain flexible in such situations.

  1. What must I prepare before starting my visa filing process?

While every country’s visa filing needs differ, your consultant can help you navigate the documentation, deadlines, feedback, and overall application. Agents will not only help you stay on track but also keep you updated on any changes that might take place in between.

  1. What are the basic expenses I might have to bear?

Study abroad consultants have a fair idea of the expenses one bears after moving to a new country. From tuition fees to living costs,- a study abroad counselor can tell you the approximate cost one can have. Apart from these, consultancy can also help you budget effectively.

  1. What makes my visa file strong?

Consultants can lead you through the application process, from crafting a compelling SOP(statement of purpose) to gathering transcripts and letters of recommendation.

  1. Are there any serious risks involved in the visa filing process?

Visa applications do involve some hurdles, but most can be overcome with good preparation! While there’s always a chance of delay, rejections are less common when you have all your ducks in a row. 

A consultant can help ensure your application is strong and meets all the requirements, making the process smoother.


Are you looking for a trusted visa consultant in Dehradun?

At Study Unifees dehradun, we cover all your basic queries regarding the process in our free consultation and assist you throughout your journey. We believe in long-term commitments to our clients and give our 100% to make your dream of traveling abroad come true.

Our world-class, experienced counselors take your dreams seriously and work hard to fulfill your dream of studying abroad. What are you waiting for? Book a free consultation today!

Best Study Abroad Consultancy in Dehradun : Study Unifees

Hey! Are you looking for a plan to get on the road to the west or east, maybe? With so many consultancies and agencies around, the work doesn’t get any easier, right? And let’s not forget the overwhelming process you have yet to encounter!!

                           study abroad consultancy dehradun

Don’t worry. In this guide, we’ll discuss five significant factors to help you downsize your options and choose the best study abroad consultancy for your needs. 

Get ready to begin your journey to ultimate success in studying abroad!

Why study abroad consultancy can bring a life-changing experience?

While most of you have decided to move out, some have even concluded that consulting an expert firm would be unnecessary and would save your resources. 

Wrong! Having an expert who can bring desired results is always a cherry on top. 

Study abroad consultants can help you with various processes, such as program guidance, application support, visa assistance, financial aid, and travel support.

Hence, it is a crucial and life-changing experience for candidates like you!

Major factors before choosing your study abroad consultancy in Dehradun!

Whether you are a pro or a beginner, here are five key points to consider before deciding on a partner for your study abroad journey in Dehradun.

                           study abroad consultancy dehradun  

1. Experience

One prominent feature to consider is the consultancy’s experience in Dehradun and work ethic. Always check whether the consultancy is just starting or has some knowledge, to begin with the process. 

While choosing a new firm is entirely cool, remember that the staff must have enough knowledge to cater to your demands and answer the basic queries of the process.

2. Reputation

Checking the rapport of the consultancy is another critical factor that decides the success rate of your file. It also keeps your hopes and chances high of success in your venture.

Well, in this world of advanced telecom, it is relatively easy to determine the reputation of such firms. Simply go to the consultancy’s Google page and check their reviews. You can also check out their social media pages and communicate with their past clients, giving you a clear view of the company’s reputation.

3. Services offered

Your next step is to check the services and quality the agent provides. Visit their website, consider a face-to-face or virtual meeting, and consult people who have already gone abroad to check what needs to be asked.

One must provide essential services, such as visa assistance, SOP and LOR assistance, financial aid, health and safety tips, cultural integration, and academic support. 

Finally, ask as many questions as possible to keep your goal clear and hurdle-free. 

4. Consultation process

Many do not pay attention to this and believe the sugarcoated promises made by the agent.

However, it is highly advisable to get accustomed to the consultation process of your study abroad consultancy in Dehradun and get a precise study abroad quote from the company on the process and pricing.

Focus on a transparent and hassle-free framework for the study abroad consultation process.

5. Travel support

Last but not least, always check whether the firm provides travel support. Although it can be done independently, expert guidance and supervision of your travel arrangements can be invaluable. 

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to finding a study abroad consultancy that will be a valuable partner in your educational journey. Remember, you’re investing in your future, so take your time, research, and choose wisely. 

How Study Unifees can help?

At Study Unifees Dehradun, we believe in a transparent and hassle-free study-abroad process. Our experienced and hard-working team does not only put their heart and soul into work but also has a proven track record of placing students in their desired destinations.

We believe in the idea of a holistic approach towards the growth of an individual.

Study Unifees offer profile evaluation, career counseling, scholarship guidance, visa assistance, and pre-departure orientation all over India.


Study abroad insights from industry experts

Hey! Are you thinking about studying in another country? Or have you always dreamed of traveling the world while you learn? This blog is for you! 


We’ll discuss everything related to studying abroad, from where to go to what to expect when you get there. Whether you’re just starting to think about it or a pro traveler looking for new tips, this blog will guide you to the fantastic world of international education, providing you with all the tools and knowledge you need for a successful study abroad experience!


Top 7 tips to kick start your study abroad journey


  1. Start Planning Early: Research study abroad programs and destinations well in advance. Consider academic offerings, cultural compatibility, language requirements, and program duration. Initiating early gives you enough time to explore your options, prepare your application materials, and address any logistical considerations.
  2. Establish Your Goals: Clearly define your objectives and goals for studying abroad. Whether you’re seeking academic enrichment, language proficiency, cultural immersion, or professional development, having a clear sense of purpose will guide your program selection and enhance your overall experience abroad.
  3. Seek Guidance: Take advantage of resources and guidance available to you, such as study abroad advisors, university resources like the International Student Office, and alumni networks. These individuals can provide valuable insights, advice, and support throughout planning, helping you make informed decisions and navigate challenges. For instance, the study abroad advisor can help you choose the right program, the International Student Office can assist with visa and immigration processes, and alumni can share their experiences and tips.
  4. Research Your Destination: Familiarize yourself with your chosen study-abroad destination. Learn about its culture, customs, history, and societal norms. Understanding the local context will not only enrich your experience but also help you adapt more quickly to your new environment upon arrival.
  5. Budget Wisely: Create a realistic budget for your study abroad experience. Start by listing all the possible expenses, including tuition fees, living expenses, travel costs, and extracurricular activities. Then, explore scholarship opportunities and financial aid options. Finally, one must consider part-time work opportunities to help offset expenses. This way, you can make your study abroad dreams a reality without making a hole in your pocket.
  6. Immerse Yourself: Embrace cultural immersion opportunities from the moment you arrive in your host country. Involve locals, participate in cultural activities, and take a step out of your comfort zone to fully immerse yourself in the local culture and way of life. By actively engaging with your surroundings, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the foreign culture and make lasting memories.
  7. Stay Open-Minded and Flexible: Finally, approach your study abroad journey with an open mind and a willingness to embrace new experiences. Be prepared for unexpected challenges, cultural differences, and moments of growth. Flexibility and adaptability are vital traits that serve well as you navigate the ups and downs of studying abroad.


By following these seven tips, you’ll be well-equipped to kick-start your study abroad journey and embark on an adventure filled with learning, growth, and unforgettable experiences.


What is New in the World of Study Abroad

Studying in countries like the USA or Germany not only enables one to explore the massive opportunities in one’s professional field but also ensures the holistic growth of an individual. However, everything, including the rules of studying abroad, is changing rapidly in this fast-paced world.

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Are you planning to study abroad but still need to figure out the field’s ever-changing nature? Do you need to learn about practices and changes that might have occurred in the last few months? Are you looking for a hassle-free information site that is not just clickbait but contains actual information?


Let’s dive into the recent updates as of April 2, 2024, and help you navigate the process hassle-free!

  • Rise  in Indian students choosing Germany over Canada for study abroad

It’s important to note that while Canada remains a popular study destination for Indian students, Germany’s emergence as a strong contender offers Indian students a compelling alternative with its unique advantages. Let’s explore the factors contributing to this trend:

Cost Factors:

  • Tuition Fees: Germany’s public universities offer either free or very low tuition fees, making it an attractive option compared to Canada’s higher costs.
  • Cost of Living: While expenses vary by city, Germany tends to be slightly more affordable than major Canadian cities like Toronto or Vancouver.

Academic Opportunities:

  • STEM Focus: Germany’s strong reputation in STEM fields aligns well with the career aspirations of many Indian students.
  • Course Availability: With an increasing number of programs offered in English, German universities are becoming more accessible to Indian students who may not be fluent in the language.

Work Opportunities:

  • Post-Graduation Work Permits: Germany offers international graduates opportunities to stay and work after completing their studies, potentially leading to permanent residency.
  • Strong Economy: Germany’s robust economy provides ample job opportunities, particularly in STEM fields, which are highly sought after by Indian graduates.

Other Considerations:

  • Shifting Policies: Reports suggest that some Indian students may be dissuaded by the perception of tightening immigration policies in Canada. However, it’s important to note that these policies primarily focus on enhancing educational quality control and not restricting international students.
  • Emerging Popularity: Germany’s reputation for quality education and a welcoming environment for international students is gaining traction among Indian students. In fact, recent data shows a significant increase in the number of Indian students choosing Germany as their study destination, reflecting the country’s growing appeal.

In conclusion, various factors influence the decision to study abroad. Germany’s affordable education, ample job opportunities, and welcoming atmosphere make it an increasingly appealing choice for Indian students compared to Canada.

  • Recent scholarship provision for the prospective candidate


  1. The University of Dundee in Scotland offers a £5,000 study abroad scholarship for 3, 4, or 5-year degrees. This significant financial aid can make your dream of studying abroad a reality. Apply by August 31st. The Global Excellence Scholarship grants £5,000 annually, totaling £15,000, £20,000, or £25,000 for respective degree lengths. One-year programs receive £4,000. These scholarships provide financial support and recognize and reward your academic excellence.
  2. Macquarie University has established an AUD 10,000 annual award to recognize excellent students in India. Students starting their studies at Macquarie University in 2024-25 will be eligible for this award.
  3. Chevening Scholarships: Funded by the UK government, these prestigious scholarships support one-year postgraduate programs in the UK.
  4. Australia Awards Scholarships: The Australian government offers undergraduate and postgraduate studies scholarships in Australian universities.
  5. Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA): This fully-funded scholarship program supports Masters and PhD students in STEM fields at Singaporean universities.



3. Recent Visa Updates for Indian Students: popular destinations


United States (US): 

  • Tighter monitoring during the visa application procedure.
  • There have been no significant updates to the visa requirements.



  • Enhancing educational quality control is the primary goal of policy in Canada. This means that the Canadian government is taking steps to ensure that the education provided by its institutions meets the highest standards, which can be a positive factor for Indian students considering Canada as a study destination.
  • Master’s degree holders are eligible for three-year post-graduation work permits.


United Kingdom (UK) 

  • United Kingdom (UK): except for postgraduate research students, dependents are prohibited from traveling with students on a visa. This means that Indian students planning to bring their families to the UK should be aware that this may not be possible, depending on their course of study.
  • The post-study work visa program is currently under review.
  • There have been changes to the visa process; follow the most recent instructions.



  • There may be a prerequisite for higher English language proficiency exam scores.
  • There is an increasing demand for higher fees and documentation of funds for student visas.



  • Simplified Immigration: The New Skilled Immigration Act (FEG), introduced in November 2023, aims to make immigration easier for skilled workers, including those with vocational training and practical experience. This means that Indian students who have completed their studies in Germany and wish to work there will face fewer barriers and a more streamlined process.
  • Easier Job Search: Starting in the summer of 2024, the “Opportunity Card” (Chancenkarte) will allow Indian students and other third-country nationals to look for jobs in Germany after graduating. This card will provide a streamlined process for job hunting, making it easier for students to transition from their studies to their careers.
  • Focus on Skill Recognition: The FEG emphasizes recognizing foreign professional qualifications, which could mean it’s easier for graduates to find jobs related to their studies.
  • Streamlined Application Process: Good news for applicants! German missions in India, especially the Mumbai consulate, now accept student visa applications (for Master’s, doctoral, and post-doctoral with binding university admissions) through VFS. This process should help reduce waiting times and simplify the application process, making it easier for Indian students to apply for a German student visa.

NOTE: This information is derived from current trends and publicly available data. Consulting industry reports or visa processing agency data may provide more precise insights.

How to get the latest updates on study abroad

  • Contact local agencies: While searching online for insightful information is a good idea, one must consult officials who are directly involved in such practices daily. Get your free visa consultation today at your nearest Study Unifees office for the latest updates and expert guidance on your journey to move abroad. This easy and accessible service ensures you are always updated with the latest information, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your decisions.
  • Get in touch with industry professionals: Go through the LinkedIn profile and official sites of the country embassy to get in-depth information about the ongoing practices. 
  • Attend educational fairs and fests organized by officials. Educational fairs and fairs ensure one-on-one interaction with the college representative, which is a cherry on top. It enables students to talk to the college rep and find the best suitable courses according to their educational record. 


If you are in Dehradun, attend the upcoming Global Edufest 2024, organized by Study Unifees. This event assembles 20 top university representatives from across the globe and offers best-in-class services. 


4. Conclusion


In summary, staying informed about recent visa updates is crucial for Indian students aspiring to study abroad. While posing challenges, these changes also present opportunities for growth and exploration. With proper planning and preparation, students can confidently embark on their international education journey, ready to embrace new experiences and opportunities. This journey is not just about education but also about personal growth, cultural immersion, and global understanding, which can be truly inspiring and life-changing.

Study Abroad Global Edufest by Study Unifees in Dehradun on 6 April at Centrio Mall

Study Unifees’ Global Edu Fest is scheduled on 6th April at Centrio Mall. This event will serve as a platform for students aspiring to pursue higher education abroad to explore various opportunities, gather valuable information, and interact with experts in the field.


The Global Edu Fest will be a comprehensive event, offering many resources and insights for prospective international students. Here’s a detailed review of the highlights and key takeaways from the event:


  1. Expert Guidance and Counseling: One of the standout features of the Global Edu Fest is the presence of seasoned counselors and industry experts who provide invaluable guidance to students. Attendees have the opportunity to engage in one-on-one counseling sessions, where they receive personalized advice tailored to their academic aspirations and career goals.


  1. Interactive Workshops and Seminars: The event features a series of interactive workshops and seminars by renowned educators and industry professionals. Topics ranges from standardized test preparation (such as IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, and GMAT) to application procedures, visa requirements, and scholarship opportunities. These sessions provides attendees essential knowledge and insights into the study abroad process.


  1. Networking Opportunities: The Global Edu Fest will foster a conducive environment for networking and collaboration. Students will have the chance to connect with representatives from leading universities and educational institutions around the world. These interactions will allow them to gain firsthand information about academic programs, admission criteria, and campus life, helping them make informed decisions about their future endeavors.


  1. Exclusive Offers and Discounts: As part of the event, Study Unifees offers exclusive discounts and scholarships to aspiring students who enroll in their study abroad programs. These incentives further incentivized attendees to take advantage of the resources and opportunities available at the Global Edu Fest.


  1. Innovative Technologies and Resources: The event showcased the latest technological advancements and resources available to students pursuing higher education abroad. From virtual campus tours to online learning platforms, attendees gain insights into how technology shapes the landscape of international education.

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  1. Interactive Activities: The fest offered many interactive activities to enhance participants’ understanding of study abroad processes. From mock interviews to essay writing workshops, attendees had the opportunity to hone their skills under expert guidance. Additionally, cultural showcases and alumni interactions allowed students to gain firsthand insights into life abroad, fostering a sense of cultural awareness and global perspective.


  1. Networking Opportunities: One of the highlights of the event the networking opportunities it provided. Students will interact with representatives from universities and educational institutions, forging valuable connections and exploring collaborative prospects. The fest serves as a platform for students to expand their professional network and seek guidance from experts in the field of international education.


  1. Exhibition Stalls: The fest features exhibition stalls showcasing many study abroad resources, including brochures, guidebooks, and study materials. Representatives from Study Unifees will be available to address queries and provide personalized guidance to attendees. From application assistance to exam preparation tips, students received comprehensive support to kickstart their study abroad journey.


Key Takeaways:

  • Insightful sessions on study abroad opportunities and admission procedures.
  • Engaging in activities to develop essential skills for academic success abroad.
  • Networking opportunities with university representatives and alumni.
  • Access to study abroad resources and personalized guidance from experts.

Overall, the Study Abroad Global Edu Fest by Study Unifees going to be a resounding success, empowering students with the knowledge and resources to pursue their academic aspirations abroad. Aspiring international students gain from the event feeling inspired and equipped to embark on their journey towards a global education.

In conclusion, the Study Abroad Global Edu Fest by Study Unifees in Dehradun on 6 April at Centrio Mall will be a resounding success. It provide students a comprehensive platform to explore study-abroad opportunities and chart their academic journey. With expert guidance, interactive sessions, networking opportunities, and exclusive offers, the event left attendees inspired and empowered to pursue their dreams of studying abroad.

Pursuing MBBS Abroad: A Global Journey to Medical

Embarking on the journey of pursuing an MBBS abroad opens a world of opportunities and experiences for aspiring medical professionals. This blog post delves into the specifics of studying MBBS in various countries and the prospects for Indian students seeking MBBS abroad in neighbouring regions. We also explore the pathway to licensure for MBBS graduates from foreign universities who wish to practice in India.

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MBBS in the USA

Studying MBBS in the USA, known as MD (Doctor of Medicine), involves a rigorous structure that starts with a pre-medical undergraduate degree, followed by a 4-year medical program. The total duration often extends to around 7-8 years, including internships and residencies. The cost of studying MBBS in the USA is quite high, averaging around $200,000 – $300,000 for the entire course. Clinical rotations are integral, providing hands-on experience in various medical fields.


MBBS in Canada

Canada offers an MD program similar to the USA. The course duration is typically four years post a bachelor’s degree. However, gaining admission to MBBS in Canada is highly competitive. The average cost ranges from CAD 20,000 to CAD 80,000 per year. Clinical rotations form an essential part of the curriculum, offering practical exposure.


MBBS in the UK

In the UK, the MBBS program is typically 5-6 years. It blends theoretical knowledge with practical training right from the early years. The cost of MBBS in the UK for international students can range between £22,000 and £52,000 annually. The course includes mandatory internships, providing critical hands-on experience.


MBBS in the Republic of Ireland

Ireland offers a 5-—to 6-year MBBS program, with an emphasis on early patient contact and clinical internships. International students’ costs vary between €45,000 and €55,000 per year. The program is recognized for its comprehensive clinical training.


MBBS in Germany

MBBS in Germany, or ‘Medizin’, is highly acclaimed, lasting six years and three months, including a mandatory 1-year internship. The program is primarily tuition-free in public universities, with students only required to pay nominal semester fees. The curriculum is rigorous, with a strong emphasis on clinical practice.


MBBS in Australia

Australian universities offer MBBS as either a 5-6 year undergraduate program or a 4-year graduate program (MD). The cost ranges from AUD 255,000 to AUD 630,000 for the entire course. Internships are compulsory, providing practical experience in various healthcare settings.


MBBS in New Zealand

In New Zealand, the MBBS course, known as the MBChB, is a 6-year program including internships. The cost for international students is around NZD 70,000 to NZD 80,000 per year. The program integrates practical training extensively throughout the course.


MBBS Abroad for Indian Students in Nepal, Bangladesh, and Central Asian Republics

Many Indian students opt for MBBS abroad in neighboring countries like Nepal and Bangladesh and Central Asian countries like Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. These regions offer affordable MBBS programs, costing around $3,000 to $8,000 annually. The course structure is similar to India, generally spanning 5-6 years including internships. However, the medium of instruction and the quality of medical education can vary significantly. Licensure for MBBS Graduates from Foreign Universities in India MBBS graduates from foreign universities who wish to practice in India must clear the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE). The exam assesses the candidate’s understanding of basic concepts and ability to apply medical knowledge. The National Medical Commission (NMC) FMGE was recently replaced with the National Exit Test (NEXT) to standardize the assessment process. Successful candidates must complete a mandatory internship in India to be eligible for registration with the NMC.

Pursuing an MBBS abroad offers an enriching journey through diverse healthcare systems, advanced medical education, and a chance to experience different cultures. While the journey is challenging and requires significant financial investment, the global exposure and learning it brings are unparalleled. Each country has its unique structure, costs, and internship opportunities that mold students into competent professionals. For Indian students, understanding the licensure process is crucial to seamlessly integrate their foreign medical education with the requirements of practicing in India. MBBS abroad is not just about gaining a degree; it’s about embracing global medical excellence and bringing those skills and experiences back home.


20 Advantages of studying an MBBS abroad for Indian students

  1. Global Exposure: MBBS abroad exposes Indian students to diverse healthcare systems and practices.
  2. Advanced Curriculum: Many foreign medical schools have a more advanced and research-oriented curriculum than their Indian counterparts.
  3. Modern Facilities: Universities abroad often have state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, providing a better learning environment.
  4. International Networking: Students gain opportunities to network with peers and professionals worldwide.
  5. Exposure to Diverse Patient Demographics: Studying abroad allows medical students to interact with a diverse patient population, enhancing their clinical skills.
  6. Language Skills: Living and studying in a foreign country improves language skills, especially in English, which is a global medical language.
  7. Cultural Competence: Exposure to different cultures makes students more culturally sensitive, a valuable trait in healthcare professionals.
  8. Improved Employment Prospects: A degree from a reputed international university can enhance employment prospects in India and abroad.
  9. Research Opportunities: There are often more opportunities for research and publishing in international academic settings.
  10. Learning from Renowned Faculty: Many foreign medical schools have renowned faculty members, providing an excellent learning opportunity.
  11. Personal Growth: Living abroad independently fosters personal growth and maturity.
  12. Quality Clinical Rotations: International medical programs often offer high-quality clinical rotations in well-equipped hospitals.
  13. No Entrance Exam Pressure: Bypassing the highly competitive entrance exams for medical schools in India can be a significant relief.
  14. Opportunity to Travel: Studying abroad offers the opportunity to explore new countries and cultures.
  15. Learning New Medical Practices: Exposure to different healthcare systems and medical practices broadens a student’s medical perspective.
  16. International Standards of Education: MBBS programs abroad often adhere to international standards, ensuring a high level of medical education.
  17. Better Student-to-Teacher Ratio: Many international medical schools offer a more favorable student-to-teacher ratio than Indian medical colleges.
  18. Developing a Global Perspective: Living and studying abroad develops a global outlook that benefits the increasingly connected world.
  19. Exposure to Advanced Technologies: Students get hands-on experience with advanced medical technologies not widely used in India.
  20. Opportunity for Permanent Residency: Studying in some countries can lead to permanent residency and work opportunities.

The Insider’s Guide to Universities, Cost and Requirements

In recent years, the interest in ‘Studying in Malta’ has significantly grown among international students. Malta, a stunning archipelago in the Mediterranean, is renowned not just as a tourist haven but also as a thriving center for high-quality education. In 2024, students contemplating their academic future in Malta will discover an environment that is both intellectually stimulating and culturally vibrant. 

This blog aims to guide you through crucial aspects such as the cost of living and top universities. Let’s embark on a journey to explore the diverse facets of student life in Malta, a destination that offers much more than picturesque landscapes.

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Cost of Living in Malta

When planning to study in Malta, understanding the cost of living is crucial. Rent in Malta can vary, with monthly costs ranging from €400 for a shared apartment to €800 for a private one-bedroom apartment in the city center. Groceries are reasonably priced, and a student can expect to spend around €200 to €300 monthly. Public transportation is efficient and affordable, with a monthly pass costing about €26. For recreation, Malta offers numerous affordable or even free options, from its beautiful beaches to historical sites for students who study in Malta.

study in malta


Top 10 Institutions of Higher Education in Malta

  1. University of Malta

    The University of Malta, located in Msida, is the highest-ranking institution in the country. Known for its comprehensive course offerings, it is particularly strong in humanities, arts, and sciences. It enjoys a robust international reputation and a vibrant student community for students who want to study in Malta.

  2. Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST)

    MCAST is a vocational education and training institution. It offers programs in areas like arts, science, and technology, focusing on practical and industry-relevant skills. Its modern facilities and emphasis on hands-on learning make it a top choice for vocational studies for students who want to study in Malta.

  3. Middlesex University Malta Campus

    As an extension of the Middlesex University in London, this campus provides quality British education with a focus on IT and business. The institution is known for its state-of-the-art facilities and a curriculum aligned with industry needs for students who want to study in Malta.

  4. American University of Malta (AUM)

    AUM offers American-style higher education with a variety of programs in arts, business, and science. It is known for its liberal arts curriculum and its emphasis on fostering critical thinking and creativity for students who want to study in Malta.

  5. Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS)

    ITS specializes in tourism and hospitality education, reflecting Malta’s strong tourism industry. It provides practical and theoretical training, preparing students who want to study in Malta for a dynamic and growing sector.

  6. St. Martin’s Institute of Higher Education

    Focusing on business, computing, and creative arts, St. Martin’s offers courses validated by the University of London. It is known for its high academic standards and personalized learning approach.

  7. L-Università ta’ Malta (UoM)

    UoM is another prominent higher education institution in Malta. It offers a broad range of courses and is especially recognized for its research output and academic excellence for students who want to study in Malta.

  8. Eden College Malta

    Specializing in business, language, and healthcare courses, Eden College provides career-oriented education. Its programs are designed to meet the evolving needs of the global job market for students who want to study in Malta.

  9. Global College Malta

    Known for its business, finance, and management programs, Global College Malta provides a curriculum that is both academically rigorous and industry-relevant, with a focus on the European market.

  10. London School of Commerce Malta

    Part of the UK-based LSC Group, this institution offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in business and management. It stands out for its affordable fees and flexible learning options.

Eligibility Criteria for Malta Higher Education Providers

The eligibility criteria to study in Malta typically involve a good academic record and proficiency in the English language, as most courses are taught in English. For undergraduate programs, a high school certificate equivalent to the Maltese Matriculation Certificate is required. Postgraduate applicants should have a relevant bachelor’s degree. Additionally, non-EU students who want to study in Malta might need to meet specific visa requirements, including proof of funds and health insurance.

20 Advantages of Studying in Malta

  1. English-Speaking Country: Ease of communication and study for English speakers.
  2. Cultural Diversity: A melting pot of cultures and histories.
  3. Moderate Living Costs: Compared to other European countries, Malta is more affordable.
  4. Quality Education: Accredited and globally recognized institutions.
  5. Warm Climate: Enjoyable weather all year round.
  6. Strategic Location: Proximity to both European and African countries.
  7. Safe Environment: Low crime rates and high safety standards.
  8. Rich History: Historical sites offering a unique learning experience.
  9. International Community: Diverse student population from around the world.
  10. Work Opportunities: Part-time job options for students.
  11. Internship Prospects: Opportunities due to Malta’s growing economy.
  12. Networking: Interaction with professionals and academics globally.
  13. Travel Opportunities: Easy travel to nearby European countries.
  14. Student Support Services: Comprehensive support for international students.
  15. Cultural Activities: Numerous festivals and events.
  16. Outdoor Lifestyle: Beaches and outdoor activities abound.
  17. Small Size: Easy to navigate and personal feel to the educational experience.
  18. Quality Health Care: Access to excellent health services.
  19. Technology-Forward: Rapidly growing in fields like IT and iGaming.
  20. Graduate Opportunities: Increasing job prospects post-graduation, especially in sectors like technology, tourism, and business.

Choosing to study in Malta in 2024 offers a blend of quality education, cultural richness, and a safe, student-friendly environment. With moderate living costs and the added benefit of studying in an English-speaking country, Malta presents an attractive option for international students. The country’s educational institutions, from the prestigious University of Malta to specialized colleges like MCAST and ITS, offer a range of courses tailored to the evolving needs of the global job market.

The eligibility criteria for studying in Malta are straightforward, ensuring accessibility for students from diverse educational backgrounds. Moreover, the advantages of studying in Malta – from the beautiful Mediterranean climate to the ample opportunities for personal and professional growth – make it a top choice for students worldwide.

As you consider your options for studying abroad in 2024, Malta should certainly be on your list. Its unique combination of historical charm, modern education, and a welcoming international community creates an unparalleled study abroad experience. Remember, studying in Malta is not just about academic growth – it’s an adventure into a rich historical tapestry, a journey of personal discovery, and an opportunity to be part of an inclusive and dynamic community.

Malta, a small but vibrant archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea, boasts a society rich in history and culture, marked by a unique blend of traditions and influences. With a population of around half a million, Malta is known for its close-knit community, where familial and social bonds are strong and valued.

Historically, Malta has been a strategic naval base, and its society bears the imprints of various civilizations that have settled or conquered the islands, including the Phoenicians, Romans, Moors, Knights of Saint John, French, and British. This tapestry of influences is reflected in the Maltese culture, language – a Semitic language with heavy Italian and English influences – and the eclectic mix of architectural styles.

Religion plays a significant role in Maltese society, with the majority of the population identifying as Roman Catholic. This is evident in the numerous village feasts, or ‘festas’, celebrated throughout the year, honoring patron saints with processions, fireworks, and community gatherings – a testament to the Maltese spirit of celebration and community.

Despite its small size, Malta is a progressive society, known for its robust democratic traditions and active political engagement. It’s also one of the most densely populated countries in the world, which has fostered a sense of community and collectivism. In recent years, Malta has become increasingly cosmopolitan, attracting expatriates, digital nomads, and international students, adding to the cultural diversity and dynamism of the islands.

Maltese people are known for their hospitality and friendliness, always willing to help or engage in conversation. The society is resilient and adaptive, having overcome various historical challenges, which is reflected in the local attitude of resourcefulness and perseverance.

In conclusion, Maltese society is a fascinating blend of historical legacy and modern dynamism. Its rich cultural heritage, strong community ties, and welcoming nature make Malta not just a unique place to visit but also a warm and inclusive place to live.

Study in Malta in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide for Indian Students Seeking Education Abroad

Malta, a jewel in the Mediterranean, has recently emerged as a coveted destination for higher education, especially among Indian students who want to study in Malta. Its unique blend of rich history, vibrant culture, and quality education makes it an ideal place to study. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of higher education in Malta, covering bachelor’s and master’s programs, top universities, visa rules, part-time work opportunities, and the advantages of studying in this fascinating country for Indian students who want to study in Malta.

Higher Education in Malta: Bachelor’s and Master’s Level

Bachelor’s Programs

Bachelor’s programs in Malta typically span three years and offer a diverse range of courses. These programs are designed to provide a strong foundation in the chosen field, encouraging both theoretical understanding and practical application. English, being one of the official languages, is the medium of instruction, making it easier for Indian students to adapt.

Master’s Programs

Master’s programs in Malta are known for their excellence and innovation. These one or two-year programs are tailored to provide advanced knowledge and skills in specific areas. The universities encourage research, critical thinking, and hands-on experience, making their graduates highly competitive in the global job market.

Top 5 Universities and Colleges in Malta

  1. University of Malta: The oldest and most prestigious, the University of Malta offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Known for its research and academic excellence, it’s a popular choice among international students who want to study in Malta.
  2. Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST): MCAST provides practical and professionally-oriented education, ideal for those looking to directly enter specific industries or vocational fields.
  3. Middlesex University Malta: An extension of the UK-based Middlesex University, it offers specialized courses in information technology and business.
  4. American University of Malta (AUM): AUM blends American-style education with Mediterranean culture, offering courses in business, arts, and sciences.
  5. St Martin’s Institute of Information Technology: Ideal for IT enthusiasts who want to study in Malta, it offers degrees validated by the University of London and focuses on computing and business studies.

Student Visa Rules for Indian Students

Indian students who want to study in Malta applying for a Maltese student visa must fulfill certain requirements. These include proof of admission to a Maltese educational institution, evidence of sufficient funds to cover tuition fees and living expenses, and a valid passport. Additionally, a medical test and a police conduct certificate may be required. It’s crucial to start the visa process well in advance to ensure all requirements are met.

Working Part-Time in Malta

Indian students who study in Malta are allowed to work part-time, which can help supplement their living expenses and gain international work experience. Students can work up to 20 hours per week during the academic term and full-time during holidays. However, it’s important to ensure that work commitments do not interfere with study obligations.

10 Advantages of Studying in Malta

  1. Quality Education: Maltese universities are renowned for their high academic standards and are internationally recognized.
  2. English-Speaking Country: With English as an official language, Indian students find it easier to adapt both academically and socially.
  3. Cultural Richness: Malta’s rich history and diverse culture provide an enriching experience beyond academics.
  4. Safe and Welcoming: Malta is known for its safety and the warm hospitality of its people.
  5. Affordable Cost of Living: Compared to other European countries, Malta offers a more affordable cost of living.
  6. Strategic Location: Malta’s location at the crossroads of Europe and Africa opens up numerous travel and cultural opportunities.
  7. International Exposure: Studying in Malta means being part of a vibrant international community, offering a global perspective and networking opportunities.
  8. Part-Time Work Opportunities: The ability to work part-time helps students gain practical experience and manage expenses.
  9. Scholarship Opportunities: There are various scholarships and financial aids available specifically for Indian students.
  10. Post-Study Work Opportunities: Malta’s growing economy offers numerous job opportunities for graduates, particularly in sectors like tourism, IT, and finance.

Malta, with its blend of quality education, cultural richness, and student-friendly policies, presents an attractive destination for Indian students who want to study in Malta. Its educational institutions, coupled with the opportunities for personal and professional growth, make it a compelling choice for those looking to study abroad. By understanding the educational framework, visa rules, and the benefits that Malta offers, Indian students can make informed decisions about their international education journey.

Embarking on an educational adventure in Malta could be the beginning of a truly transformative experience, where learning goes hand in hand with personal growth and cultural enrichment.

Urban Centers in Malta

Malta, despite its small size, boasts a number of vibrant urban centers, each with its own unique charm and historical significance. These urban areas are not only crucial for the country’s economic and cultural life but also serve as popular destinations for tourists and expatriates, including international students who want to study in Malta.

  1. Valletta: Valletta, the capital city of Malta, is steeped in history and culture. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is known for its well-preserved architecture from the 16th century onwards, reflecting the island’s periods under the Knights of St. John and later British rule. Key attractions include the grand St. John’s Co-Cathedral, the Upper Barrakka Gardens, and the bustling Republic Street. Valletta is also the administrative and commercial heart of Malta, hosting several government offices, shops, cafes, and cultural venues.
  2. Sliema: Sliema is one of Malta’s main coastal resorts, known for its modern vibe and as a hub for shopping, dining, and café culture. The long promenade that stretches from Sliema to St. Julian’s is a favorite for both locals and tourists, offering spectacular views of the Mediterranean Sea and Valletta. Sliema is also a residential area popular among expatriates, offering a range of accommodations and lifestyle amenities.
  3. St. Julian’s (San Ġiljan): St. Julian’s, adjacent to Sliema, is famous for its entertainment and nightlife, particularly in the Paceville area, which is the center of Malta’s nightlife with numerous clubs, bars, and restaurants. It’s also home to luxurious hotels and resorts, beautiful beaches, and the picturesque Spinola Bay, lined with excellent seafood restaurants.
  4. Mdina: Mdina, the old capital of Malta, is known as the “Silent City” due to its tranquil, narrow streets and medieval charm. This walled city is a time capsule with its mix of medieval and baroque architecture, including the impressive Mdina Cathedral. Despite its small size, Mdina is rich in history and offers a unique, serene atmosphere away from the busier parts of the island.
  5. Birkirkara: Birkirkara is one of the largest and oldest towns in Malta, featuring a mix of urban and suburban characteristics. It is a residential hub, reflecting more of the everyday life of Maltese people. Important landmarks in Birkirkara include the Old Railway Station, which is now a public garden, and the historic St. Helen’s Basilica.
  6. Rabat: Adjacent to Mdina, Rabat is known for its historical sites including the famous St. Paul’s Catacombs and the Roman Villa. Rabat is more laid back compared to the bustling coastal towns but is rich in cultural heritage and offers a glimpse into Malta’s past.
  7. Mosta: Famous for its impressive Rotunda (Mosta Dome), which is one of the largest unsupported domes in the world, Mosta is a significant town in central Malta. It is a bustling town with a variety of shops, eateries, and a blend of modern and historical architecture.
  8. Qormi: Qormi, known traditionally as the city of bakers, is famous for its bread and traditional Maltese bakeries. It also plays host to various cultural and religious festivals, reflecting the strong traditional Maltese culture.

Each of these urban centers contributes to the diverse tapestry that is Malta. From the historical allure of Valletta and Mdina to the modern cosmopolitan vibe of Sliema and St. Julian’s, Malta offers a unique urban experience that blends history, culture, and modernity in a Mediterranean setting. This rich diversity in such a compact area is part of what makes Malta a unique and fascinating place to visit or reside in.

The Growing Popularity of Malta Among Indian Students

There’s a noteworthy trend in the movement of Indian students choosing Malta as their study destination. The trend can be observed across several key aspects:

  1. Growing Popularity: Over the years, Malta has gained increasing popularity among Indian students who want to study in Malta. This surge can be attributed to Malta’s use of English as an educational medium, its European Union membership, and the relatively affordable cost of education and living compared to other European countries.
  2. Preferred Fields of Study: Indian students who want to study in Malta have shown a strong inclination towards specific fields such as Information Technology, Business Management, Hospitality, and Healthcare. Malta’s educational institutions have been recognized for their strength in these areas, aligning well with the career aspirations of many Indian students.
  3. Scholarships and Funding: There has been an increasing trend in the availability of scholarships and funding opportunities specifically targeted at Indian students. These opportunities have made studying in Malta more accessible, particularly for those who might find the financial aspect challenging.
  4. Post-Education Opportunities: Indian students who want to study in Malta are increasingly considering post-study work opportunities in Malta. The country’s growing economy, particularly in sectors like IT, gaming, finance, and tourism, offers promising career prospects for international graduates, including those from India.
  5. Network and Community Building: As more Indian students choose Malta, there’s a growing sense of community among them. This network has been instrumental in providing support and guidance for new students adapting to life in Malta.
  6. Quality of Education and Lifestyle: The combination of a high standard of education and a relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle is particularly appealing. Malta’s safety, its cultural richness, and the overall quality of life are significant factors attracting Indian students.
  7. Increased Collaboration between Institutions: There’s a trend in the increase of partnerships and collaborations between Indian and Maltese educational institutions. These collaborations often result in more exchange programs, joint research projects, and opportunities for Indian students who want to study in Malta.
  8. Shift in Demographics: Initially, most Indian students who wanted to study in Malta were postgraduate students, focusing on Master’s and Ph.D. programs. However, there’s a noticeable shift with more undergraduates choosing Malta for their studies.
  9. Visa Policies and Work Rights: The Maltese government’s student-friendly visa policies and the right for international students to work part-time have been significant pull factors. Such policies make Malta more accessible and financially viable for Indian students.
  10. Digital and Remote Learning Opportunities: With the global shift towards online and blended learning models, more Indian students are able to start their Malta-based education from home. This trend has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent adaptation of educational institutions to digital platforms.

The trend of Indian students studying in Malta is characterized by an increasing number, diversification in the fields of study, improved accessibility through scholarships, and a focus on post-study career opportunities. Additionally, the establishment of a strong Indian community and bilateral academic collaborations further cement Malta’s position as a favorable destination for Indian students.

15 Mistakes to Avoid When Planning to Study in Australia

Planning to study in Australia is an exciting journey filled with numerous opportunities and experiences. However, it’s crucial to approach this venture thoughtfully to avoid common pitfalls that can hinder your educational journey. In this detailed guide, we’ll explore 15 mistakes to avoid when you decide to study in Australia, examine the quality of Australian higher education, highlight the most popular cities for students, outline the visa process, and provide 10 compelling reasons why Australia is an excellent choice for international students.

15 Mistakes to Avoid When Planning to Study in Australia

  1. Not Researching Enough: One common mistake is not doing enough research about universities and courses. When you decide to study abroad in Australia, thorough research is key to finding the right fit for your academic and career goals.
  2. Underestimating Costs: Another mistake is underestimating the cost of living and studying in Australia. Proper financial planning is essential to ensure you have adequate resources to cover tuition, accommodation, and daily expenses.
  3. Ignoring Scholarship Opportunities: Many international students overlook scholarships and financial aid. When planning to study abroad in Australia, actively seek out scholarship opportunities.
  4. Neglecting Health Insurance Requirements: Not arranging for health insurance is a critical oversight. Australia requires international students to have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).
  5. Overlooking Visa Requirements: Misunderstanding or overlooking visa requirements can lead to stressful situations. Familiarize yourself with the visa process early when you plan to study abroad in Australia.
  6. Packing Inappropriately: Packing too much or too little can cause inconveniences. Understand Australia’s climate and lifestyle to pack suitably.
  7. Limited Social Interaction: Avoid limiting your social interactions to your own community. Engaging with diverse groups enhances your experience when you study abroad in Australia.
  8. Not Improving English Skills: Assuming English language skills are sufficient can be a mistake. Continuous improvement is vital, especially in academic contexts.
  9. Ignoring Academic Support Services: Not utilizing academic support services provided by universities can impact your academic performance. Make the most of these services when you study abroad in Australia.
  10. Disregarding Cultural Differences: Underestimating the impact of cultural differences can affect your adaptation to life in Australia. Embrace and learn from these differences.
  11. Overlooking Work Opportunities: Not exploring part-time work opportunities is a missed chance to gain experience and supplement your finances while you study abroad in Australia.
  12. Not Keeping Track of Immigration Rules: Immigration rules can change. Stay updated to ensure compliance.
  13. Neglecting Safety Norms: Ignoring safety norms and local laws can lead to trouble. Understand and adhere to them when you study abroad in Australia.
  14. Failing to Manage Time Effectively: Poor time management can affect both academic and personal life. Develop good time management skills.
  15. Not Planning Post-Study Steps: Not planning for what comes after your studies, such as work opportunities or further education, is a common oversight.

Quality of the Australian Higher Education System

The Australian higher education system is renowned globally for its quality and innovation. Australian universities consistently rank high in world university rankings, offering a diverse range of courses and a strong emphasis on research and practical skills. The education system is regulated by the Australian government, ensuring high standards are maintained across all institutions. When you study abroad in Australia, you are assured of receiving an education that is recognized and respected worldwide.

Popular Cities and Places for International Students

Australia boasts a number of cities that are popular among international students, including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide. Each city has its own unique attractions, from Sydney’s iconic Opera House and Harbour Bridge to Melbourne’s vibrant arts scene and cafe culture. The natural beauty of Australia, with its beaches, rainforests, and the Outback, also offers a unique experience for students studying abroad in Australia.

Getting a Visa to Study in Australia

Obtaining a student visa is a crucial step in your journey to study abroad in Australia. The process involves applying for a visa online, providing proof of enrolment in a course, evidence of financial capacity, English language proficiency, and health insurance (OSHC). The visa allows you to stay in Australia for the duration of your course and includes some work rights.

10 Reasons Why Australia is a Great Choice for International Students

  1. World-Class Universities: Australia is home to some of the world’s leading universities, offering high-quality education.
  2. Diverse Range of Courses: With a wide range of courses, students can find the field that best suits their interests and career goals.
  3. Cultural Diversity: Australia’s multicultural society makes it a welcoming destination for students from all over the world.
  4. Research Opportunities: Australian universities are at the forefront of research, providing students with the opportunity to engage in innovative projects.
  5. Quality of Life: Australia offers a high standard of living, with a focus on health, education, and well-being.
  6. Natural Beauty: The country’s diverse landscapes provide an array of recreational activities for students.
  7. Work Opportunities: International students in Australia have the opportunity to work part-time, gaining valuable experience and supplementing their income.
  8. Supportive Learning Environment: Australian universities offer a supportive and inclusive learning environment, with a range of student services.
  9. Global Recognition: Degrees from Australian universities are globally recognized, enhancing career prospects.
  10. Safety: Australia is known for being a safe and stable country, offering a secure environment for international students.


Choosing to study abroad in Australia is a decision that can lead to an enriching and fulfilling educational experience. By avoiding common mistakes and being well-prepared, you can make the most of what Australian higher education has to offer. With its world-class universities, vibrant cities, and welcoming culture, Australia is not just a place to study; it’s a place to grow, explore, and achieve your potential. So, when planning your academic future, consider all that studying in Australia has to offer and embark on an adventure of a lifetime.